Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday August 16, 2009 Day 110

Village Square allows relatives to spend the
night with patients. Michelle kept watch last
night on our man. This morning Cathy, Michelle,
and Tia Chita, assisted the PT Mark Martinez as
he put Daniel through a serious of moves and
positons to stimulate the muscular and skeletal
systems. Physical therapy improves the circulatory
system and flexibility, in addition it aids in the
prevention of pressure points and bed sores.
Daniel is also receiving speech therapy. Although
he is unable to speak or make vocal sounds at this
time, the very rudimentary actions of moving his
tongue or swallowing are precursors to eventually
regaining speech. With the intensive speech therapy
sessions Daniel is making very small gains. He has
moved his tongue when requested to on several
occasions, it is not consistent but it is a start.
The speech therapist is teaching Daniel to swallow
by placing a small amount of 'lemonaid' on the interior
part of his tongue, at which point she clearly and
firmly asks Daniel to swallow. Those of us here at the
time were surprised to see him actually respond to
the command to swallow. Again, the reaction has not
been consistent, but it is a new and small step forward.
These actions and initial responses to verbal commands
indicate a long and intensive process ahead.
We all feel Daniel is doing his part, he has not regressed
in his state of health. He has lost weight as can be expected.
Where he was 168 lbs. prior to the aneurysm, he now
weighs 121. A significant amount for anyone, however
under the circumstances he has not been able to keep
muscle mass due to lack of exercise. He is receiving
nutritional fluids through a tube/catheter.
The goal is to get Daniel to learn to swallow again and
perhaps take liquified food orally. Arriving at that goal
would surely stabilize his weight and increase his
energy levels and strength, preparing him for extended
and more rigorous physical therapy sessions.
The staff here at Village Square are caring and
very attentive. Hardly an hour goes by without someone
coming in and intervening with their specialty.
RN's, LVN's, CNA's, technicians, therapists, administrators,
and even the maintenace staff keeping the room and
hallways clean and sanitary.
So, Daniel's team has new and committed members, with
his family and friends we are moving forward ever so slowly,
but forward nonetheless. This journey has been a challenge
for everyone, but we are up to the task.


  1. Wow I am so proud of Daniel making a progress under all him circumstances, and I beleive he will succeed will all the complications and excesive hard moments there is for him. DAniel to me was a great friend and couselour that I look up too, and facing theses hard times even make me look up to him twice as I use to look up to him. He is a real strong man and knows how to succeed for his good will. Viva La Revolucion , And Hasta siempre Comandante DAniel Vega!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Thanks for that good report . The REAL DANIEL is inside and responding to all that TENDER LOVING CARE .

    Hope is the thing with feathers,
    that perches in the soul .

    It sings and sings through rain and shine,
    And never stops at all.

  3. Thanks for the update Sal. I pray for Daniel daily.


  4. Anonymous (?) posted a comment with reference to 'Hasta Siempre Comandante'. Truly, Che has been an inspiration to all of us and millions of others world wide, but more importantly to Daniel.
    FOR DANIEL, I would like to post the lyrics to the song: Spanish lyrics followed by an English translation. Tio Sal & Tia Chita


    Aprendimos a quererte
    desde la histórica altura
    donde el sol de tu bravura
    le puso cerco a la muerte.


    Aquí se queda la clara,
    la entrañable transparencia,
    de tu querida presencia
    Comandante Che Guevara.

    Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte
    sobre la historia dispara
    cuando todo Santa Clara
    se despierta para verte.


    Vienes quemando la brisa
    con soles de primavera
    para plantar la bandera
    con la luz de tu sonrisa.


    Tu amor revolucionario
    te conduce a nueva empresa
    donde esperan la firmeza
    de tu brazo libertario.


    Seguiremos adelante
    como junto a ti seguimos
    y con Fidel te decimos:
    !Hasta siempre, Comandante!


    ****************English translation*********


    We learned to love you
    from the heights of history
    with the sun of your bravery
    you laid siege to death


    The deep (or beloved) transparency of your presence
    became clear here
    Commandante Che Guevara

    Your glorious and strong hand
    fires at history
    when all of Santa Clara
    awakens to see you


    You come burning the winds
    with spring suns
    to plant the flag
    with the light of your smile


    Your revolutionary love
    leads you to a new undertaking
    where they are awaiting the firmness
    of your liberating arm


    We will carry on
    as we did along with you
    and with Fidel we say to you:
    Until Always, Commandante!


  5. You are always on my mind and have been every day since April 30th. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers until that glorious day that you are once again yourself! All of your family and friends love you, Daniel, and we are always by your side, in spirit, if not in person. However long it takes, we'll all be here--and ever-patient! God Bless You, Primito!!!
