Friday, May 8, 2009

A Huge Hurdle!

Cathy spoke with the neurosurgeon today. He asked for permission to change meds to keep Daniel from having vasospasms. Vasospasms are a narrowing of blood vessels leading to a decrease in blood supply. The new agent/medicine should increase blood flow through the brain. The doctor will check to see if this new agent is working after 24 hours (the Doppler test measures how fast blood flows through the brain). If vasospasms are still present, Daniel will have to go through another procedure called "stenting" to insert a tube to increase the flow of blood. Stenting would also allow the doctor to insert a "balloon" into the blood vessels to keep them open (angioplasty) and prevent the risk of stroke.

Please continue hoping and praying for Daniel.

1 comment:

  1. A week ago yesterday, seeing everyone come together for Daniel, Cathy, Olivia, Tia Mago, Tio Victor, Victor, Nando and Alfredo made me so proud of being part of the Vega Family. We may not see each other as much as we would like to, but we can always count on each other.

    Victor thank you so much for the daily updates, you are doing an amazing job. It’s so nice seeing the numbers for the followers and the profile view increase every day.

    Armando and Christian thank you for the video of Daniel’s competition. It shows how strong, motivated and determined Daniel is, and his perseverance to never give up. Plus it made me so proud of him.

    Cathy you’ve always had Daniels upmost respect as a wife and a mother , and when Daniel see’s how strong you have been, for him and the children I know he’s going to be so proud of you.

    Pilon, I would like to order some of your famous Pilon Pica Salsa.

    Love, Vero
